CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/Tick – Tick – Tick/Model Questions.

CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/Tick-Tick-Tick /Chapter 4/Model Questions is about the model questions that you can expect for Yearly Examination. Here you can find out practice problems for Class 4 Mathematics. This worksheet is designed for CBSE Class 4 students.

CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/ Tick- Tick – Tick/Chapter 4

Extra Questions for Practice/Model Questions

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. Quarter past 6 is same as ————-

A. 6.15

B. 5.45

C. 6.30

2. 10 minutes past 7 is same as ————-

A. 6.50

B. 7.10

C. 10. 07

3. 30 minutes after 8’O Clock —————–

A. 7.30

B. 8.30

C. 8.00

4. 5 March 2005 is —————-

A. 3/5/05

B. 5/3/05

C. 5/5/05

5. 1/1/07 is —————

A. 1 January 2007

B. 1 July 2007

C. 7 July 2001

Answer the following:

6. What month and year is written as 07/05?

7. Convert to 24 hour clock:

a) 6’O clock in the evening

b) 3.30 in the afternoon

c) 1’O Clock in the afternoon

8. Where have you seen a 24 hour clock being used?

9. Find the duration between:

a) 9.45 am – 2.00 pm

b) 3.30 pm – 4.45 pm

c) 5.30 pm – 8 pm

10. Fill in the blanks:

a) 1 day = —— hours

b) 1 week = ——— days

c) 1 year = ——— months

11. Identify the time taken (Years, minutes, seconds, hours) to complete the following activities:

a) To watch a cinema

b) To make Biriyani

c) To become an adult person

d) To say a clock time

e) To make a tea

12.  Write the name of months having exactly 30 days.

13. Convert to 12 hour clock time:

a) 15:00 hours

b) 03:00 hours

c) 20:20 hours

14. Write the full form of AM and PM.

15. Write am or pm for the following:

a) Rahul wake up at 6.30

b) Nandita leaves the school at 4.30

c) Arjun sleeps at 10’O Clock


1. 6.15

2. 7.10

3. 8.30

4. 5/3/05

5. 1 January 2007

6. July 2005

7. a) 18:00 hours

b) 15:30 hours

c) 13:00 hours

8. Railway Station, Airport, Mobile phone

9. a) 4 hours 15 minutes

b) 1 hour 15 minutes

c) 2 hour 30 minutes

10. a) 24 hours

b) 7 days

c) 12 months

11. a) Hours

b) Hours

c) Years

d) Seconds

e) Minutes

12. April, June, September, November

13. a) 3 pm

b) 3 am

c) 8.20 pm

14. AM – Ante Meridiem (Before noon)

PM – Post Meridiem (After noon)

15. a) 6.30 am

b) 4.30 pm

c) 10 pm

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