Class 6 Mathematics | Decimals Practice Problems

CLASS 6 Mathematics | DECIMALS – Lesson 8 – Practice Problems

1. Write each of the following as decimals:

a) Two ones and three- tenths
b) Twenty and two-tenths

2. Write each of the following as decimals:

a) 20 + 5 + 3/10
b) 300 + 4+7/10

3. Express the following as cm using decimals:

a) 4 mm
b) 112 mm
c) 4 cm 3 mm

4. Write as fractions in lowest terms.

a) 0.07
b) 2.56
c) 0.432

5. Write each of the following as a decimal.

a) 500+40+3+ 1/10 +7/100
b) 23 + 4/10 + 2/100

6. Write each of the following as decimal.

a) Two hundred seven and three- hundredths
b) Twelve point three four two.

7. Which is greater?

a) 0.2 or 0.02
b) 1.3 or 1.30

8. Express as rupees using decimals.

a) 50 paise
b) 20 rupees 25 paise

9. Express as kg using decimals.

a) 3g
b) 2550 g

10. Express as km using decimals.

a) 4 m
b) 4321 m

11. Sona spent Rs 20.50 for buying a chocolate and Rs 6.50 for one pen. How much money did she spend?

12. Anu travelled 2 km 25 m by bus, 3 km 450 m by car and the rest 1 km 25 m he walked. How much distance did he travel in all?

13. Manu bought 3 kg 80 g of oranges, 4 kg 60 g of bananas and 5 kg 450 g of apples. Find the total weight of all the fruits he bought.

14. Janvi had Rs 100. She bought chocolates for Rs 55. 50. Find the balance amount left with her.

15. Hisham bought fruits weighing 10 kg. Out of this, 3 kg 750 g is grapes, 2 kg 50 g is apples and the rest is bananas. What is the weight of the bananas?


1. a) 2 + 3/10 = 2.3
b) 20 + 2/10 = 20.2

2. a) 25.3
b) 304.7

3.a) We know that 1 cm = 10 mm
So 4 mm = 4/10 = 0.4 cm
b) 112 mm = 112/10 = 11.2 cm
c) 4 cm 3 mm = 4 + 3/10 = 4.3 cm

4. a) 0.07 = 7 /100
b) 2.56 = 256/100 = 128/50 = 64/25.
c) 0.432 = 432/ 1000 = 216/500 = 108/250 = 54/125

5. a) 543.17
b) 23.42

6. a) 207 + 3/100 = 207.03
b) 12.342

7. a) 0.2
b) Both are equal.

8. a) We know that 1 rupee = 100 paise
So 50 paise = 50/100 = 0.50 rupees
b) 20 rupees 25 paise = 20 + 25/100 = 20.25 rupees

9. We know that 1 kg = 1000g

a) 3g = 3/1000 = 0.003 kg
b) 2550 g = 2550/1000 = 2.550 kg

10. a) We know that 1 km = 1000m
So 4m = 4/1000 = 0.004 km
b) 4321m = 4321/1000 = 4.321 km

11. Money spent for chocolate = 20.50 rupees

Money spent for one pen = 6.50 rupees
Total money spent = 20.50 + 6.50 = Rs 27

12. Distance travelled by bus = 2 km 25 m = 2.025 km

Distance travelled by car = 3 km 450m = 3.450 km
Distance travelled by walking = 1 km 25m = 1.025 km
Total distance travelled = 2.025 + 3.450 + 1.025 = 6.500 km

13. Weight of Oranges = 3 kg 80 g = 3. 080 kg

Weight of bananas = 4 kg 60g = 4. 060 kg
Weight of apples = 5 kg 450g = 5.450 kg
Total weight of fruits = 3.080 + 4.060 + 5.450 = 12.590 kg = 12 kg 590g

14. Total money Janvi had = Rs 100

Money spent for chocolate = 55.50 rupees
Balance amount left with her = 100 – 55.50 = 44.50 rupees.

15. Total weight of fruits = 10 kg

Weight of grapes = 3 kg 750g = 3.750g
Weight of apples = 2kg 50g = 2.050 g
Total weight of grapes and apples = 3.750 + 2.050 = 5.800 kg
Weight of bananas = 10 – 5.800 = 4.200 kg = 4kg 200g

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