CBSE Class 7 Mathematics Worksheets/Part 5/Yearly Examination

CBSE Class 7 Mathematics Worksheets is about some model questions that you can expect for yearly examination. Here you can find out practice problems for class 7 Mathematics.

Fill in the blanks:

  1. 25% = ———— (as fraction in simplest form)
  2. The coefficient of y in 2x – 3y +5z +6 is —————-
  3. The value of the expression 3x – y, when x = 2, y= 0 is —————
  4. 2:5:: 6: x, the value of x is ————–
  5. The area of a parallelogram is 63 If the base is 9 cm, its height is ——-
    Answer the following:
  6. The price of a toy car decreased from 400 rupees to 300 rupees. Find the percentage of decrease?
  7. List four rational numbers between -3 and -1
  8. The diameter of a tyre is 70 cm. Find the distance covered by it in 10 rounds?
  9. Add 4x +6xy –y and 5y – 3xy -3x
  10. Find the value of k, if 4x – 3k = -12, when x = 0.


  1. ¼
  2. -3
  3. 6
  4. 15
  5. 7 cm
  6. Percentage decrease = (Amount of change/Original amount) x 100
    = (100/400) x 100
    = 25%
  7. To find rational numbers between -3 and -1, we can convert these numbers to like fractions as -3 = -30/10 and -1 = -10/10.
    So the four rational numbers between -3 and -1 are -11/10, -12/10, -13/10 and -14/10.
  8. Given diameter = 70 cm, radius = 35 cm.
    Distance covered = Circumference of a circle = 2 x 3.14 x 35 = 219.8 cm
    Distance covered in 10 rounds = 219.8 x 10 = 2198 cm
  9. 4x + 6xy – y + (5y – 3xy – 3x) = 4x -3x + 6xy – 3xy – y + 5y
    = x + 3xy + 4y
  10. When x = 0, 4x – 3k = -12
    4 x 0 – 3k = -12
    0 – 3k = -12
    k = -12/-3 = 4.

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