Integers – Chapter 1/MCQ/CBSE Class 7 Mathematics

Integers – Chapter 1/MCQ/ CBSE Class 7 Mathematics is about the Multiple Choice Questions that you can expect for Yearly Examination. Here you can find out practice problems for Class 7 Mathematics. This worksheet is designed for CBSE Class 7 students.

Integers – Chapter 1/MCQ/CBSE Class 7 Mathematics
Extra Questions for Practice/MCQ Worksheet
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. Arrange the numbers in ascending order: -210, -340, 0, 100, -321, 234
    A. 234, 100, 0, -210, -321, -340
    B. -340, -321, -210, 0, 100, 234
    C. 0, -340, -321, -210, 100, 234
    Answer: -340, -321, -210, 0, 100, 234
  2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate sign: (-10) — 5
    A. less than
    B. equal
    C. more than
    Answer: (-10) < 5
  3. (-10) + 6 = ——-
    A. -4
    B. 4
    C. -16
    Answer: -4
  4. (-21) + (-4) = ———
    A. -25
    B. 25
    C. 17
    Answer: -25
  5. [(-30) x (-2)] x 5 = (-30) x [(-2) x 5] Identify the property used here?
    A. Commutative Property
    B. Associative Property
    C. Distributive Property
    Answer: Associative Property
  6. The additive inverse of (-5) is ————
    A. 5
    B. -5
    C. 1/5
    Answer: 5
  7. (-5) x (-6) = ———-
    A. -30
    B. 30
    C. -11
    Answer: 30
  8. (-70) + —– = 0
    A. -70
    B. 70
    C. 0
    Answer: 70
  9. Fill in the blanks: (-5) + [21 + (-7)] = [(-5) + 21] + ——
    A. -5
    B. -7
    C. -21
    Answer: -7
  10. In a quiz, team A scored 50, 0, -20 and team B scored 30, -20, 0 in three successive rounds. Which team scored more?
    A. Team A
    B. Team B
    C. Both are equal
    Answer: Team A
  11. Which of the following is a pair of integers whose difference is (-5)?
    A. -9, -4
    B. 4, -9
    C. 9, -4
    Answer: -9, -4
  12. For any three integers a, b and c, a x (b – c) = a x b – a x c. This property is known as ————–
    A. Distributivity of multiplication over addition
    B. Distributivity of multiplication over subtraction
    C. Associative Property
    Answer: Distributivity of multiplication over subtraction.
  13. Find the value of (-678) x 0 x (-75)?
    A. 50850
    B. -50850
    C. 0
    Answer: 0
  14. (-1), twelve times?
    A. -1
    B. 1
    C. 12
    Answer: 1
  15. (-1) x (-2) x (-3) = ———–
    A. -6
    B. 6
    C. -5
    Answer: -6
  16. The product of two negative integers is ————
    A. Positive
    B. Negative
    C. Zero
    Answer: Positive
  17. 2 x (10 + (-5)) = ———
    A. 10
    B. -10
    C. 15
    Answer: 10
  18. The successor of (-10) is ———-
    A. -9
    B. -11
    C. 10
    Answer: -9
  19. The product of 5 negative integers is a —- ——- integer.
    A. Positive
    B. Negative
    C. Zero
    Answer: Negative
  20. When zero is divided by any non-zero integer, we will get ————
    A. Zero
    B. One
    C. Not defined
    Answer: Zero

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