MCQ – Linear Equations In One Variable – Chapter 2

CBSE Class 8 Mathematics
MCQ – Linear Equations in One Variable

Chapter -2
1. The solution of the equation 2x -3 = 7 is ——–
A. 5
B. 10
C. 20

2. Sum of two numbers is 74. One of the numbers is 10 more than the other. Then the numbers are —- and ———–
A. 30, 40
B. 32, 42
C. 34, 44

3. If half of half of a number is 20, then the number is ———
A. 60
B. 40

4. The highest power of the variable appearing in a linear equation is ————
A. 1
B. 2

5. Which of the following is not a linear equation in one variable?
A. 4x + 5 =0
B. 2x + 3y = 5
C. y=0

6. The solution of 3y +2 = 2y +8 is ———–
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8

7. The value of the variable for which the equation is satisfied is called the ————— of the equation.
A. Solution
B. Transposition
C. Identity

8. Taking away 5 from x gives 9 is ————–
A. x -5 =9
B. x- 9 = 5
C. 5 –x =9

9. In an equation there is always an ———sign.
A. Inequality
B. Equality
C. Not equal to

10. The sum of three times of a number and 6 is 30. Then the number is ———
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12

1. x = 5
(Explanation: 2x-3 =7
2x = 7+3 = 10
x = 10/2 =5)

2. 32, 42
(Explanation: Let one number be x, then the other number is x + 10.
Given x + 10 + x = 74
2x +10 = 74
2x = 74-10 = 64
x = 64/2 = 32, x+10 = 42)

3. 80
(Explanation: Let the number be x.
Given ½ of ½ of x = 20
i.e. ¼ of x = 20
x = 80)

4. 1

5. 2x + 3y =5

6. 6
(Explanation: 3y+2 = 2y +8
Transposing, 3y -2y = 8-2
y = 6)

7. Solution

8. x-5 =9

9. Equality

10. 8
(Explanation: Let the number be x, then given 3x + 6 = 30
3x = 30-6
3x = 24
x = 24/3 = 8)

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  1. Tannushree says:

    The review was worst

  2. Tannushree says:


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