Class 6 Mathematics | Chapter 1 Knowing Our Numbers | MCQ

1. The greatest among the numbers 4536, 4892, 4370, 4452 is ————-

A. 4452
B. 4536
C. 4892

2. The greatest 4 – digit number that can be formed by using the numbers 8, 0, 5 (any one digit twice) is ————–

A. 8805
B. 8850
C. 8550

3. The smallest 8 – digit number is called ———–

A. One lakh
B. One crore
C. One million

4. The numeral for Seven lakh thirty four thousand five hundred forty three is —————-

A. 734543
B. 743543
C. 754334

5. One thousand = ———— tens

A. 10

6. One billion = ———- million

A. 10
B. 100
C. 1000

7. One million = ———- lakh

A. 10
B. 100
C. 1000

8. The nearest hundreds by rounding off 926 are ————-

A. 900
B. 1000
C. 920

9. The estimated value of 5784 – 437 is ————-

A. 5300
B. 5400
C. 5500

10. The number system for which there is no symbol for zero is —————-

A. Arabic Numeral
B. Indian system of numeration
C. Roman Numerals

11. The symbol M in Roman numeral stands for ————-

A. 100
B. 500
C. 1000

12. The Roman numeral for 98 is ———–


13. One kilometer = ———– metres.

A. 100
B. 1000
C. 10000

14. Write the number for the expanded form 2 x 10000 + 8 x 10+ 5 x 1?

A. 20085
B. 20805
C. 28005

15. The arrangement from the greatest to the smallest is known as ————-

A. Ascending order
B. Descending order
C. None of these.


1. 4892

2. 8850
3. 0ne crore
4. 734543
5. 100
6. 1000
7. 10
8. 900
9. 5400
10. Roman Numerals
11. 1000
13. 1000
14. 20085
15. Descending Order

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12 Responses

  1. Divya says:


  2. Siffat says:

    Good application

  3. Areen says:

    Very good and easy

  4. Viresh says:

    A good practice test paper but it should have more questions. I think the questions should be more than 20 or only 20. Good keep it up.

  5. daksh bhatia says:

    it is a good course for students for studying
    i like it very much !!

  6. Saksham says:


  7. Karzah Irfan says:

    i also liked it …..

  8. Karzah Irfan says:


  9. SIYA says:


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