CBSE Class 8 Mathematics Worksheets/Part 2/Yearly Examination

CBSE Class 8 Mathematics Worksheets is about some model questions that you can expect for yearly examination. Here you can find out practice problems for class 8 Mathematics.

Model Questions for Yearly Examination.
Fill in the blanks:

  1. The product of 3ab and 5xy is ————-
  2. Volume of a cube with edges x, y and z is ————
  3. The square root of 576 is ————
  4. The common factors of 2xy and 6xz is ————–
  5. An item marked at 540 rupees is sold for 490 rupees. The discount given is –
    Answer the following:
  6. Sum of two numbers is 75. If one exceeds the other by 15, find the numbers?
  7. Subtract 4a – 7ab + 3b + 12 from 12a – 9ab + 5b – 3
  8. Find the height of a cuboid whose volume is 675 cubic cm and base area is 25 square cm?
  9. If 15 workers can build a wall in 48 hours, how many workers will be required to do the same work in 30 hours?
  10. Show that a (b – c) + b(c – a) + c (a – b) = 0


  1. 15abxy
  2. xyz
  3. 24
  4. 2x
  5. 50rupees
  6. Let the two numbers be x and x+ 15.
    Given x + x + 15 = 75
    2x + 15 = 75
    2x = 75 – 15 = 60
    x = 60/2 = 30 and x + 15 = 30 + 15 = 45
    So the two numbers are 30 and 45.
  7. (12a – 9ab + 5b – 3) – (4a – 7ab + 3b + 12)
    = 12a – 9ab + 5b – 3 – 4a + 7ab – 3b – 12
    = 8a – 2ab + 2b – 15
  8. Volume of a cuboid = Base area x Height
    Hence height of the cuboid = Volume of cuboid /Base area
    = 675/25 = 27 cm
  9. Let the number of workers employed to build the wall in 30 hours be y.
    Obviously more the number of workers, faster will they build the wall.
    So, the number of hours and the number of workers vary in inverse proportion.
    So 48 x 15 = 30 x y
    Therefore, y = 24
    i.e., to finish the work in 30 hours, 24 workers are required.
  10. LHS = a (b – c) + b(c-a) + c (a – b)
    = ab – ac + bc – ba + ca – cb
    = 0 (Remember ab = ba, ac = ca, bc = cb) = RHS

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