Class 8 Maths Chapter 1 Rational Numbers MCQ

Multiple Choice Questions/ RATIONAL NUMBERS – Chapter 1

1. A number which can be written in the form p/q, where p and q are integers and q is not equal to zero is called a —————–

A. Rational numbers
B. Irrational numbers
C. Integers

2. For any rational number a, a divided by zero is ————

A. Zero
B. a
C. not defined

3. For ant two rational numbers a and b, a +b = b +a is known as ————

A. Commutativity of addition
B. Associativity
C. Distributive property

4. Which number is called the identity for the addition of rational numbers?

A. One
B. Zero
C. -1

5. Which is the multiplicative identity for rational numbers?

A. One
B. Zero
C. -1

6. Additive inverse of 2 is ——–

A. 2
B. -2
C. 0

7. Which number has no reciprocal?

A. One
B. Zero
C. -1

8. Additive Inverse of -7/19 is ————-

A. 19/7
B. -7/19
C. 7/19

9. The number of rational numbers between two rational numbers is ———-

A. definite
B. not definite
C. One

10. Rational numbers are ——- under the operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication.

A. Closed
B. Not closed
C. None of these.

11. ———- is neither a positive nor a negative rational number.

A. Zero
B. One
C. -1

12. The value of -7/2 x -1/7 is —————

A. ½
B. -1/2
C. 2

13. Which of the following lies between -1 and 0?

A. ½
B. -1/2
C. 3/2

14. The multiplicative inverse of -3/5 is ————-

A. 3/5
B. -3/5
C. -5/3

15. The number which has its own reciprocal is —————-

A. Zero
B. One
C. Two


1. Rational number
2. Not defined
3. Commutativity of addition
4. Zero
5. One
6. -2
7. Zero
8. 7/19
9. Not definite
10. Closed
11. Zero
12. ½
13. -1/2
14. -5/3
15. One

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