Mensuration – Chapter 11 /MCQ

Mensuration – Chapter 11/ MCQ
Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. ———— of a solid is the sum of the areas of its faces.
A. Perimeter
B. Surface Area
C. Volume
2. Amount of region occupied by a solid is called its —————
A. Perimeter
B. Surface Area
C. Volume
3. Volume of a cuboid = —————
A. l + b + h
B. l x b x h
C. lb + bh + lh
4. Area of a rhombus is ———- the product of its diagonals.
A. Twice
B. Half
C. Equal
5. The area of a rhombus whose diagonals are of lengths 10 cm and 8.2 cm is ——————
A. 82 Sq. cm
B. 41 Sq. cm
C. 20.5
6. The area of a rhombus is 240 sq cm and one of the diagonals is 16 cm. The length of the other diagonal is ————–
A. 30 cm
B. 60 cm
C. 90 cm
7. The volume of a cube with a side 4 cm is ———-
A. 4 Cu cm
B. 16 Cu cm
C. 64 Cu cm
8. ———– refers to the quantity that a container holds.
A. Capacity
B. Volume
C. Area
9. Capacity is measured in terms of ————
A. metres
B. litres
C. grams
10. The height of a cuboid whose volume is 275 cu cm and base area is 25 sq cm is ————–
A. 10 cm
B. 11 cm
C. 12 cm
11. All six faces of a cube are —————-
A. rectangles
B. squares
C. circles
12. The volume of a cuboid of length 12 cm, breadth 3cm and height 1 cm is ————–
A. 36 cu cm
B. 15 cu cm
C. 16 cu cm
13. One cubic metre = —————–
A. 100L
B. 1000L
C. 10000L
14. The circular base and top of a cylindrical box are ———–
A. Different
B. Identical
C. Equal
15. The area of a rectangle of length 30 cm and breadth 4 cm is ———–
A. 34 cm
B. 120 sq. cm
C. 240 sq. cm


1. Surface Area

2. Volume

3. l x b x h

4. Half

5. 41 sq cm
(Area = 10 x 8.2 /2 = 41 sq cm)

6. 30 cm
(Length of one diagonal = 16 cm
Area of the rhombus = 240
Therefore, length of other diagonal = 240 x 2/16 = 30)

7. 64 cu cm
(Volume = 4 x 4 x 4 = 64)

8. Capacity

9. Litres

10. 11 cm
(Volume of a cuboid = Base area x Height
Height = Volume /Base area = 275/ 25 = 11 cm)

11. Squares

12. 36 cu cm
(Volume = l x b x h = 12 x 3 x 1 = 36)

13. 1000 L

14. Identical

15. 120 sq cm
(Area = l x b = 30 x 4 = 120 sq cm)

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