Class 9 Maths Chapter 7 Triangles | Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions on TRIANGLES – Chapter 7

1. Two figures are ———, if they are of the same shape and of the same size.

A. Similar
B. Congruent
C. Equal

2. Angles opposite to equal sides of a triangle are ————–

A. Equal
B. Double
C. Different

3. Each angle of an equilateral triangle is of ———- degree.

A. 30
b. 60
c. 90

4. In a triangle, angle opposite to the longer side is —————-

A. Smaller
B. Larger
C. Equal

5. Sides opposite to equal angles of a triangle are ———–

A. Smaller
B. Larger
C. Equal

6. In two triangles ABC and PQR, if AB = QR, BC = RP and CA = PQ then————

A. ABC congruent to PQR
B. ABC congruent to QRP
C. ABC congruent to RPQ

7. In triangle PQR, PQ = PR and < P = 70 degree, then < Q = —————-

A. 40
B. 55
C. 60

8. In triangle ABC, AB = AC then ————–

A. <A = <B
B. <B = <C
C. <C = <A

9. In two triangles ABC and DEF, AC = DF, AB = DE, BC = EF so triangle ABC congruent to DEF by ————— rule.

A. SSS Congruence rule
B. SAS Congruence rule
C. RHS Congruence rule

10. In two right triangles ABC and PQR, BC = QR, AC = PR, <A = <P = 90 degree,so triangle ABC congruent to PQR by ———– rule.

A. SSS Congruence rule
B. SAS Congruence rule
C. RHS Congruence rule

11. In triangle PQR, <P = <R and PR = 7 cm, PQ = 6 cm then length of QR is ——

A. 6cm
B. 7 cm
C. 8 cm

12. PQR is a triangle right angled at P, then ————

A. QR > PQ
B. QR = PQ
C. QR < PQ

13. In triangle ABC, <A = 60 degree, <B = 70 degree. The longest side of the triangle is ————–


14. Which of the following is not a congruence criterion of triangles?

A. SSS Congruence rule
B. AAA Congruence rule
C. SAS Congruence rule

15. Sum of any two sides of a triangle is ———– than the third side.

A. Greater
B. Smaller
C. Equal


1. Congruent
2. Equal
3. 60
4. Larger
5. Equal
6. ABC congruent to QRP.
7. 55
8. <B = <C
9. SSS Congruence rule
10. RHS Congruence rule
11. 6 cm
(In an isosceles triangle, the sides opposite to equal angles of a triangle are equal)
12. QR>PQ
(QR is the hypotenuse. Hypotenuse is always greater)
13. AC
(Side opposite to the larger angle is longer)
14. AAA Congruence rule
15. Greater

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2 Responses

  1. keerthana says:

    this is useful for exams

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