CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/ Fields and Fences/Model Questions/ Worksheet

CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/ Fields and Fences /Worksheet is about the Model Questions that you can expect for Yearly Examination. Here you can find out practice problems for Class 4 Mathematics.

CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/ Fields and Fences – Chapter 13
Extra Questions for Practice/Worksheets
Choose the correct answer:

  1. Length of one side of a square is 6 cm. Then its perimeter is ————–
    A. 36 cm
    B. 12 cm
    C. 24 cm
  2. Area of a rectangle is 36 sq cm and length is 9 cm. Find its breadth?
    A. 9 cm
    B. 6 cm
    C. 4 cm
  3. The length of the boundary of a closed figure is called ——–
    A. Volume
    B. Area
    C. Perimeter
  4. Area of a rectangle 5 cm long and 3 cm wide is ——— sq cm.
    A. 8
    B. 10
    C. 15
  5. Area of a square with side 3m is ———-
    A. 12
    B. 9
    C. 6
    Fill in the blanks:
  6. The perimeter of a triangle of sides 4m, 3m and 2m is ———
  7. The amount of surface enclosed within a closed figure is called ————–
  8. Unit of area is ————–
  9. The perimeter of a square of sides 5 cm is ————
  10. A square has a boundary of 12 cm. What will be the length of each side?
    Answer the following:
  11. A square wall has a perimeter of 100 m. What is the side of the wall? Find its area?
  12. A rectangular garden is 150m long and 50m wide. Find its Perimeter?
  13. A square carom board has a perimeter of 420 cm. Find the length of each side?
  14. Find the perimeter of a rectangle whose length and breadth are respectively 12 cm and 9 cm.
  15. A rectangular field is 48 m long and 20m broad. Find the cost of fencing the field at the rate of Rs 50 per metre?


  1. 24 cm
  2. 4 cm
  3. Perimeter
  4. 15 sq cm
  5. 9 sq cm
  6. 9m
  7. Area
  8. Square cm/m/km
  9. 20 cm
  10. 3 cm
  11. Perimeter of a square = 100m
    Length of side of the wall = 100/4 = 25m
    Area = Side X Side = 25 x 25 = 625 sq m
  12. Length = 150m
    Breadth = 50m
    Perimeter = 150 + 50 + 150 + 50 = 400m
  13. Perimeter of a square = 420 cm
    Length of each side = 420/4 = 105 cm
  14. Length = 12 cm
    Breadth = 9 cm
    Perimeter = 12 + 9 + 12 + 9 = 42 cm
  15. Length = 48m
    Breadth = 20m
    Perimeter = 48 + 20 + 48 + 20 = 136m
    Cost of fencing = 136 x 50 = 6800 rupees

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