Algebraic Expressions and Identities – Chapter 9 / MCQ

Algebraic Expressions and Identities – Chapter 9 /MCQ
Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. The numerical factor of a term is called its ————-
A. constant
B. numerical coefficient
C. variables
2. The coefficient in the term -5x is ————-
A. -1
B. -5
C. –x
3. Expressions that contains only one term is called a ————
A. Monomial
B. Binomial
C. Trinomial
4. An expression containing one or more terms with non-zero coefficient is called a ———
A. Trinomial
B. Polynomial
C. Binomial
5. The product of 4 and 7p is ————
A. 11p
B. 28p
C. -28p
6. A monomial multiplied by a monomial always gives a ———–
A. Monomial
B. Binomial
C. Trinomial
7. Terms are added to form ————-
A. Expressions
B. Variables
C. Constants
8. Which of the following is a binomial?
A. 2x+3y+8
B. 2x + y
C. 2x
9. The algebraic expression 3xy + 2y+ 9 is a ———–
A. Monomial
B. Binomial
C. Trinomial
10. Which of the following pairs are like terms?
A. 3x, 3y
B. 4x, 9x
C. 3x, 4xy
11. If we add 3x +4 and 2x -3, then their sum is ————
A. 5x + 7
B. 5x +1
C.5x – 1
12. The product of px + qy + rz and 0 is —————
A. px + qy + rz
B. 0
C. 1
13. Number of terms in the expression 2xyz + xy + z is ————-
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
14. The value of 4x -2 at x = -1 is ——————
A. -6
B. 2
C. -4
15. An expression containing three terms is a ————
A. Monomial
B. Binomial
C. Trinomial


1. Numerical coefficient

2. -5

3. Monomial

4. Polynomial

5. 28p

6. Monomial

7. Expressions

8. 2x + y

9. Trinomial

10. 4x, 9x

11. 5x + 1

12. Zero

13. 3

14. -6

15. Trinomial

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