NCERT Class 6 Maths Algebra Important Questions

ALGEBRA – Chapter 11
Answer the following (2 marks):
1. Write the algebraic expressions for the following:

a) 5 added to 3 times of x.
b) 4 subtracted from y.

2. Complete the table:

3. If Meena’s present age is x years, write

a) Her age after 7 years
b) Her age 5 years back
c) Meena’s grandmothers’ age is 6 times Meena’s age.

4. Pick out the solution from the values given in the bracket. Show that the other values do not satisfy the equation.
3p + 2= 8 (1, 2, 3)

5. The product of five times a variable subtracted from 7 and multiplied by 6 is —————

6. Find the value of the variable in each.

a) 7 = 3 + y
b) 2y + 6 = 10

7. The length of a rectangular hall is 3 meters less than 4 times the breadths of the wall. What is the length, if the breadth is b meters?

8. Write the algebraic expressions for the following statements.

a) 3 more than thrice a number y.
b) 5 times p added to 3 times q.
c) Quotient of y by 5 is added to z.

9. Solve the following:

a) 3x + 5 = 17
b) 5 – 2y = 1

10. Change the following statements using expressions into statements in ordinary language.

a) A notebook cost p rupees. A book costs 3p rupees.
b) Our class has n students. The school has 20n students.


1. a) 5 + 3x
b) y -4


3. a) Let Meena’s present age = x years

a) After 7 years, her age = x + 7
b) Five years back, her age = x -5
c) Grandmother’s age = 6x

4. 3p + 2 = 8

When p=1, LHS =3 x 1 + 2 = 5, which is not equal to RHS.
When p = 2, LHS = 3 x 2 + 2= 8, which is the solution of the equation.
When p= 3, LHS = 3 x3 +2 = 11, which is not equal to RHS.

5. Let the variable be x.
Algebraic expression is 6(7 – 5x)

6. a) 7 = 3 + y
Y = 7 – 3 = 4
b) 2y + 6 =10
2y = 10 -6 =4
y = 4/2 = 2

7. Length = (4b – 3) meters

8. a) 3 + 3y
b) 5p + 3q
c) y/5 + z

9. a) 3x + 5 = 17
3x = 17 -5 = 12
x = 12/3 = 4
b) 5 – 2y =1
5 -1 = 2y
4 = 2y
y = 4/2 = 2

10. a) A book costs three times the cost of a notebook.
b) Total number of students in the school is 20 times that of our class.

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1 Response

  1. Aarush says:

    These are very good question

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