Class 7 Maths Chapter 7 | Congruence Of Triangles | MCQ


1. If two line segments have the same (equal) length, they are —————

A. Congruent
B. Similar
C. Opposite

2. Two angles are congruent if they have ————

A. equal measures
B. unequal measures
C. None of these.

3. Two circles are congruent if their —– are same.

A. Diameter
B. Radii
C. Centre

4. The three sides of one triangle are equal to the three corresponding sides of another triangle then the triangle is congruent by ———- criteria.

A. SSS Criteria
B. SAS criteria
C. RHS Criteria

5. Two sides and their included angles are equal to the corresponding sides and angles of another triangle then the triangles are congruent by ——— criteria.

A. SSS Criteria
B. SAS Criteria
C. RHS Criteria

6. Two angles and included side of one triangle are equal to corresponding angles and included side of another triangle, and then the triangles are congruent by ———-criteria.

A. ASA Criteria
B. SAS Criteria
C. SSS Criteria

7. The hypotenuse and one side of one right triangle are respectively equal to the hypotenuse and one side of another right triangle, then the triangle are congruent by ——– criteria.

A. SSS Criteria
B. RHS Criteria
C. SAS Criteria

8. If one of the acute angle of a right triangle is 45 degree, then the other acute angle is ————–

A. 90
B. 45
C. 30

9. Which angle is included between the sides XY and XZ of triangle XYZ?

A. X

10. Which of the following is not a congruence criterion?

A. SSS Criterion
B. AAA Criterion
C. SAS Criterion


1. Congruent
2. Equal measures
3. Radii
4. SSS Criteria
5. SAS Criteria
6. ASA Criteria
7. RHS Criteria
8. 45 degree
9. X
10. AAA Criteria

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