Knowing Our Numbers – Chapter 1/Extra Questions for Practice.

Knowing Our Numbers – Chapter1
Extra Questions for Practice – Short Answer Type Questions

Answer the following questions (2 marks):

1. Put commas suitably and write the number name in International System of Numeration: 70002509.

2. Write the smallest and greatest 5 digit numbers having 4 in the hundreds place, without repeating any digit.

3. Find the product of smallest 3 digit number and greatest 4 digit number?

4. Estimate
i) 423 + 789 to the nearest tens.
ii) 852 – 689 to the nearest hundreds.

5. Write the numeral for:
i) Nine crore eight lakh five hundred.
ii) Seven million six hundred thirty three thousand four hundred fifteen.

6. Find the difference between the greatest and smallest 4 digit number that can be written using the digits 6, 2, 7, 3 each only once.

7. How many hundred thousand makes one million?

8. Write the following in Roman Numerals:
i) 94
ii) 198

9. Give the Hindu-Arabic numeral for:

10. Find the difference between the place value and face value of 8 in 7894.


1. 70,002,509.
Number name: Seventy million two thousand five hundred nine.

2. Smallest number is 10423 and greatest number is 98476.

3. Smallest 3 digit number is 100 and greatest 4 digit number is 9999.
Product = 9999 x 100 = 999900.

4. i) 423 rounds off to 420.
789 rounds off to 790.
Estimated sum = 420 + 790 = 1210.
ii) 852 rounds off to 900.
689 rounds off to 700.
Estimated difference = 900 – 700 = 200.

5. i) 9,08,00,500
ii) 7,633,415.

6. Greatest 4 digit number is 9999 and smallest 4 digit number is 1000.
Difference = 9999 – 1000 = 8999.

7. 10 hundred thousand makes one million.

8. i) 94 = XCIV
ii) 198 = CXCVIII.

9. i) 98
ii) 43

10. Place value of 8 in 7894 is 800 and face value of 8 is 8 itself.
Difference = 800 – 8 = 792.

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1 Response

  1. Aishwarya says:

    good but can you also add very short answer type questions and long answer type questions

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