Algebraic Expressions/ CBSE Class 7 Mathematics/Worksheet

Algebraic Expressions/CBSE Class 7 Mathematics /Worksheet is about the Model Questions that you can expect for Yearly Examination. Here you can find out practice problems for CBSE Class 7 Mathematics.

Algebraic Expressions /CBSE Class 7 Mathematics/Extra Questions for Practice/Worksheet

Answer the following questions:

  1. Write the coefficient of x in 5 – x?
    Answer: -1
  2. Write the coefficient of y in 4x – 3y?
    Answer: -3
  3. Write the coefficient of x in
    a) 2x + y
    b) 10 + 2xy
    c) x + y + z
    a) 2
    b) 2y
    c) 1
  4. Identify the pairs of like and unlike terms:
    a) 500, -20
    b) -3, a, b
    c) –y, -2y
    a) Like terms
    b) Unlike terms
    c) Like terms
  5. Classify the following into monomials, binomials and trinomials:
    a) -5
    b) -3 + y
    c) x + 2y
    d) 3a + 2b + c
    a) Monomial
    b) Binomial
    c) Binomial
    d) Trinomial
  6. Subtract 2xy – x from 3x + 5xy
    3x + 5xy – (2xy – x) = 3x + 5xy – 2xy + x = 4x + 3xy
  7. Find the value of 2xy + 3x + y when x = 1, y = 2
    2 x 1 x 2 + 3 x 1 + 2 = 4 + 3 + 2 = 9
  8. Find the sum of 3abc, -5abc, 7abc and -2abc
    3abc – 5abc + 7abc – 2abc = 10abc – 7abc = 3abc
  9. Identify the constant terms in the following expressions:
    a) -5 + 5y
    b) 3xy – 3y + 3
    a) -5
    b) 3
  10. If P = 3a + 2b and Q = -7a – 3b, find the value of 2P + Q
    2P + Q = 2(3a + 2b) + (-7a – 3b)
    = 6a + 4b – 7a – 3b
    = -a + b
  11. Find the value of mn + np + mp if m = 1, n = -1, p = 2
    1 x (-1) + (-1) x 2 + 1 x 2 = (-1) + (-2) + 2 = -1
  12. If the length of a side of a square is 2y – 5, find the expression which represents the perimeter of a square?
    Perimeter = 4 x side = 4 (2y – 5) = 8y – 20
  13. The length and breadth of a rectangle are 3x – 2y and
    -2x + 3y.Find the perimeter of the rectangle?
    Perimeter = 2 (l + b) = 2(3x – 2y -2x + 3y)= 2(x +y)
  14. Add 3xy – 5x and 6xy – 3x
    3xy – 5x + 6xy – 3x = 9xy – 8x
  15. Write the algebraic expression for the following statements:
    a) Multiply x by 4 and add 5 to the product
    b) Multiply y by 3 and subtract 2 from the product
    c) Multiply the variable x by 3
    d) Product of numbers 2 and y subtracted from 5
    e) Subtraction of 5 from twice a number x
    f) Number 3 added to 4 times the product of numbers m and n
    a) 4x + 5
    b)3y – 2
    c) 3x
    d) 5 – 2y
    e) 2x – 5
    f) 3 + 4mn

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