Bridge Course for Class 7 – Class 8/Mathematics

Bridge course of Class 7 – Class 8 is about the important topics that you can practice during the vacation time. This may help you to avoid the learning difficulties.

Bridge Course for Class 7 – Class 8/Mathematics
CBSE Class 7 Mathematics/ Vacation Worksheets
Day: 11

  1. Write the complementary angle of 35 degree?
  2. Write the supplementary angle of 110 degree?
  3. Find the angle which is equal to its complement?
  4. Find the angle which is equal to its supplement?
  5. If two lines intersect at a point, then the vertically opposite angles are always ———-

Day: 12

  1. An exterior angle of a triangle is of measure 70 degree and one of its interior opposite angles is of measure 25 degree. Find the measure of the other interior opposite angle?
  2. The two interior opposite angles of an exterior angle of a triangle are 60 degree and 80 degree. Find the measure of the exterior angle?
  3. Two angles of a triangle are 30 and 80 degree. Find the third angle?
  4. One of the angles of a triangle is 80 degree and the other two angles are equal. Find the measure of each of the equal angles?
  5. PQR is a triangle, right angled at P. If PQ = 10cm and PR = 24cm, find QR using Pythagoras Property.

Day: 13
Find the ratio of:

  1. 5 rupees to 50 paise
  2. 9m to 27 cm
  3. 30 days to 36 hours
  4. 5kg to 500g
  5. 1litre to 50 ml

Day: 14
Convert to per cents:

  1. 0.25
  2. 0.2
  3. 0.75
  4. ¼
  5. 1/8

Day: 15

  1. 15% of 250
  2. 25% of 1 kg
  3. 25% of 600
  4. 20% of 2500
  5. 75% of 12

Day: 16
Convert given per cents to decimals and fractions in simplest form:

  1. 25%
  2. 75%
  3. 20%
  4. 5%
  5. 125%

Day: 17
Find the amount to be paid at the end of 3 years in each case:

  1. Principal = 1200 rupees at 12% p. a
  2. Principal = 7500 rupees at 5% p. a
  3. Principal = 10000 rupees at 5% p. a
  4. Principal = 3500 at 7% p. a
  5. Principal = 7000 at 3.5% p. a

Day: 18
Find the area of:

  1. A square with side length 24 cm
  2. A rectangle whose length and breadth are 50m and 30m respectively.
  3. A triangle whose base is 24 cm and height is 4 cm
  4. A parallelogram whose base is 5 cm and height is 3.2 cm
  5. A circle with radius 28mm

Day: 19
Find the circumference and area of the circles with the following radius:

  1. 14 cm
  2. 49 m
  3. 5 cm
  4. 30 cm
  5. 4.5 cm

Day: 20

  1. Find the area of a square park whose perimeter is 320m.
  2. The perimeter of a rectangular sheet is 100cm. If the length is 35 cm, find its breadth?
  3. The length and breadth of a rectangular piece of land are 50m and 20m respectively. Find its area?
  4. The area of a rectangular sheet is 500 sq cm. If the length of the sheet is 25cm, what is its width?
  5. The perimeter of a rectangle is 130cm. If the breadth of the rectangle is 30cm, find its length?

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