Bridge Course for Class 7 – Class 8/Mathematics

CBSE Class 7 Mathematics Vacation Worksheets is about the important topics that you can practice during this vacation time. This worksheet may help you to avoid the learning difficulties that happened during the online classes.

Bridge Course for Class 7 – Class 8/Mathematics
CBSE Class 7 Mathematics/Vacation Worksheet
Day: 21
Get the algebraic expressions in the following cases using variables, constants and arithmetic operations:

  1. Subtraction of x from y
  2. The number p multiplied by itself
  3. Sum of numbers x and y subtracted from their product
  4. Numbers x and y both squared and added
  5. Product of numbers y and z subtracted from 10

Day: 22

  1. Add 3x + 11 and 7x -5
  2. Add 8xy, 4xy and 2xy
  3. Subtract a – b from 3a – b + 4
  4. Subtract mn + 5 from 3mn – 3
  5. Subtract 6xy from -12xy

Day: 23
Find the values of the following expressions for x = 2

  1. x + 4
  2. 2x – 5
  3. 5x – 3
  4. 7x – 4
  5. –x + 2

Day: 24
Express each of the following as product of powers of their prime factors:

  1. 512
  2. 729
  3. 648
  4. 405
  5. 3600

Day: 25
Express the following in exponential form:

  1. 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 5
  2. a x a x a x a x b x b x b
  3. b x b x b x b
  4. t x t
  5. 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4

Day: 26
Find the value of:

  1. (-1) x (-1) x (-1)
  2. (-1) x (-2) x (-3)
  3. (-5) x (-6)
  4. (-1) x (-2) x 0 x (-3)
  5. (-2) x (-3) x (-4)

Day: 27
Write the coefficient of x in each of the following:

  1. 5 + z + zx
  2. x + y + 2
  3. 7 – 3x + y
  4. 1 + x + xy
  5. -8yz

Day: 28
Classify into monomials, binomials and trinomials:

  1. 4y – 7z
  2. x + y – xy
  3. 100
  4. ab – a – b
  5. 7mn

Day: 29
State whether a given pair of terms is of like or unlike terms:

  1. 5, 50
  2. -29x, -29y
  3. 2xy, 5yx
  4. 12x, 12y
  5. 6y, 9y

Day: 30

  1. (-4) + 8
  2. (-8) + (-4)
  3. 8 – (-4)
  4. (-4) – (-8)
  5. 8 – (4)

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