GK Math Questions for Class 7/ 25 GK Questions for Class 7

GK Math Questions for Class 7/ 25 GK Questions for Class 7 is about the General Knowledge Questions that you can study for competitive exams. This worksheet may help you to study more about Mathematics.

GK Math Questions for Class 7/ 25 GK Questions for Class 7

  1. Length of the boundary of a circle is also known as ———-
  2. A polygon with 10 sides is known as ————-
  3. The volume of a cube of side 5 cm is —————
  4. The product of (-3) and 0 is ———-
  5. What will be the sign of the product if we multiply (-1), twelve times?
  6. The non-zero numbers whose product with each other is 1, are called the ——– of each other.
  7. 1.2 x 100 = ———-
  8. The mean of the first five whole numbers is ———–
  9. The mode of the given set of numbers: 1, 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 2, 4 is ———–
  10. A coin is flipped to decide which team starts the game. What is the probability that your team will start?
  11. “Taking away 5 from x gives 9”can be written as ————
  12. The solution of the equation 2p – 1 = 23 is ———–
  13. A line segment has —— end points.
  14. How many medians can a triangle have?
  15. The two interior opposite angles of an exterior angle of a triangle are 60 degree and 80 degree. Find the measure of the exterior angle?
  16. A triangle in which two sides are of equal lengths is called an ———– triangle.
  17. A triangle has ——- altitudes
  18. Give one real life example for congruent shapes.
  19. If 65% of students in a class have a bicycle, what per cent of the student do not have bicycles?
  20. 0.75 = ——–%
  21. Find the height x if the area of the parallelogram is 24 square cm and the base is 4 cm?
  22. An expression with only one term is called a ————-
  23. Find the coefficient of x in 7y – x is ————-
  24. Find the value of 4x – 3 for x = 2?
  25. Any number (except 0) raised to the power 0 is —————–


  1. Circumference
  2. Decagon
  3. 125 cubic cm
  4. 0
  5. Positive
  6. Reciprocals
  7. 120
  8. 2
  9. 2
  10. ½
  11. x – 5 = 9
  12. p = 12
  13. Two
  14. Three
  15. 140 degree
  16. Isosceles Triangle
  17. Three
  18. Biscuits in the same packet
  19. 35%
  20. 75%
  21. 6 cm
  22. Monomial
  23. -1
  24. 5
  25. 1

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