Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability

Simple Arithmetic and Mental ability is about model questions that you can expect for competitive examinations. Here you can find out practice problems in Maths GK.

Maths Questions for Competitive Examinations/ GK Maths.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. Find the sum of first 18 terms of the AP 10, 15, 20, 25………
    A. 745
    B. 845
    C. 945
  2. Find the odd one out:
    A. Rectangle
    B. Triangle
    C. Pentagon
  3. 5000 rupees is invested at the rate of 12 rupees p.a. for 2 years. Find simple interest?
    A. 1000
    B. 1100
    C. 1200
  4. Find the distance between -3 and +3 on a number line?
    A. 3
    B. 6
    C. 4
  5. Find the sum of the reciprocals of all factors of 10?
    A. 1.8
    B. 18
    C. 0.18
  6. Write the next number: 6, 10, 16, 26, 42, ——–
    A. 46
    B. 54
    C. 68
  7. Find the value of 32.91 + 30.09 + 0.50 + 5?
    A. 68.50
    B. 64.50
    C. 62.55
  8. Find the value of 11 x 3 – 22 + 11 – 2 x 11?
    A. 0
    B. 11
    C. 22
  9. Find the odd one out:
    A. 351
    B. 405
    C. 542
  10. Find the sum of first 20 natural numbers?
    A. 200
    B. 210
    C. 220

Answers with Explanation:

  1. 945
  2. Triangle
  3. 1200
  4. 6
  5. 1.8
  6. 68
  7. 68.50
  8. 0
  9. 542
  10. 210


  1. Here a = 10, d = 5, n = 18
    Sum of n terms = n/2 [2a + (n – 1) d]
    Sum of 18 terms = 18/2 [2 x 10 + (18 – 1) 5]
    = 9[20 + 17 x 5]
    = 9 x 105
    = 945
  2. Diagonals are not possible in the case of triangles. In rectangle and pentagon, we can draw diagonals.
  3. Simple Interest I = PRT/100
    = 5000 x 12 x 2 /100
    = 50 x 24
    = 1200
  4. 3 – (-3) = 3 + 3 = 6
  5. Factors of 10 are 1, 2, 5 and 10
    Sum of its reciprocals = 1 + ½ + 1/5 + 1/10
    = (10 + 5 + 2 + 1)/10
    = 18/10
    = 1.8
  6. 6 + 10 = 16
    16 + 10 = 26
    26 + 16 = 42
    42 + 26 = 68
  7. 68.50
  8. 11 x 3 – 22 + 11 – 2 x 11 = 33 – 22 + 11 – 22 = 0
  9. Other two number’s sum of the digits is 9.
  10. n (n + 1)/2 = 20 (20 + 1) /2 = (20 x 21)/2 = 210.

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