CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/Sample Paper/Term II

CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/Sample Paper/ Term 2 is about the Model Questions that you can expect for Yearly Examination. Here you can find out practice problems for Class 4 Mathematics.

CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/Sample Paper/ Term II Examination
Model Question Paper/ Expected Questions
Total: 40 Marks
Fill in the blanks (1 Mark)

  1. The standard form of capacity is ————-
  2. Full form of P.M. is ————-
  3. A circle have ——— number of symmetry.
  4. Complete the pattern: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ———–
  5. An equivalent fraction of 2/3 is ———–
    Answer the following: (2 Marks)
  6. Convert 19/4 to mixed fraction.
  7. Draw a figure to represent the fraction 2/7.
  8. Find the perimeter of a triangle whose sides are 10cm, 12 cm and 4 cm.
  9. Draw the lines of symmetry of a rectangle.
  10. Convert:
    a) 5kg = ———-g
    b) 750 ml + ——– = 1litre
    Answer the following (3 Marks):
  11. Kiran purchased 3kg 250g apples and 2kg 500g oranges. Find the total weight of fruits purchased by Kiran?
  12. If the diameter of a circle is 14cm, find its radius and circumference?
  13. Draw a circle of radius 3 cm and mark the following parts of a circle.
    a) Radius
    b) Diameter
    c) Centre
    d) Circumference
  14. Define like fractions. Add the following:
    a) 2/3 + 1/3
    b) ¼ + ¾
  15. Convert:
    a) 17: 30 hrs. = ——-pm
    b) 00:00hrs = ——— am
    c) 08: 30 pm = ———— hrs.
    Answer the following (5 Marks)
  16. a)Write the months having 30 and 31 days.
    b) Fill in the blanks:
    1 Year = ——– days
    1 Month = ———- days
    1 Week = ——– days
  17. Draw front view, side view and top view of a cylinder and cuboid.

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