Fields and Fences/Class 4

Chapter 13 of NCERT/CBSE Class 4 Mathematics is about Fields and Fences. Here in this lesson you can find practice problems about perimeter.

Fields and Fences – Chapter 13.
Answer the following:

  1. The length of the boundary of a field is 9m, 15m, 21m and 9m.
    a)How much wire need to fence the field?
    b) If Rahmath bought a roll of 70m wire for the fence, how much wire left with her?
  2. If the length of the boundary of Ganapat’s field is 15m, 15m, 9m ,9m and 18m.
    a) How long is the boundary of Ganapat’s field?
    b) How much more wire will Ganapat need for his field, if Rahmath gave 16m wire to Ganpat?
  3. Which one has the longest boundary?
    a) 6m, 15m, 15m, 24m
    b) 6m, 3m, 6m, 6m, 12m, 9m
    c) 9m, 12m, 15m
  4. The length of the boundary of a field is given by 100m, 150m, 100m; 150m.Chandu’s father goes for a walk around the field every morning. Every day he takes four rounds of this field. What is the total distance he covers?
  5. Ganapat’s wife works in a tailor’s shop. She has to fix lace around a table cloth. The length of the boundary of the table is 1m 50 cm length and 50 cm breadth. She bought a 100m roll of lace.
    a) How much lace is used for one table cloth?
    b) How much lace will be used in 3 such table cloths?
    c) How much lace will be left in the roll?
  6. A hockey field is 91m 40cm long and 55m wide. How long is the boundary of the field?
  7. Usha and Valsamma are running a race. Usha is running on the inner circle. Valsamma is running on the outer circle. Valsamma runs faster than Usha. But still she loses the race. Can you guess why?
  8. Which of the following has the longest boundary?
    a) Length 8m, breadth 3m
    b) Length 6m, breadth 4m
  9. Find the perimeter of a square garden of length 11m?
  10. Find the distance around a rectangular field of length 12m and breadth 5m?


  1. a) The wire needed to fence the field = 9 + 15 + 21+9 = 54m.
    b) Length of the wire that Rahmath bought = 70m
    Length of wire left with her = 70 – 54 = 16m
  2. a) Boundary of Ganapat’s field = 15 + 15 + 9 + 9 + 18 = 66m
    b) If Rahmath gave 16m wire to Ganapath, wire required = 66 – 16 = 50m more wire needed.
  3. a) Length of the boundary = 6 + 15 + 15 + 24 = 60m
    b) Length of the boundary = 6 + 3 + 6 + 6 + 12+ 9 = 42m
    c) Length of the boundary = 9 + 12 + 15 = 36m
    d) Length of the boundary = 15 + 9 + 15 + 15 + 9 + 15 = 78m
    Therefore a field with length of boundary 15m, 9m, 15m, 15m, 9m, 15m has the longest boundary.
  4. Total distance he covers = 4 x (100 + 150 + 100 + 150)
    = 4 x 500 = 2000m = 2 km.
  5. Length of the boundary of the table is 50 cm and 1m 50cm.
    a) Lace used for one table cloth = 50 cm + 50 cm + 1m 50 cm + 1m 50 cm
    = 50 + 50 + 150 + 150 = 400 cm = 4m.
    b) Lace required for 3 such table cloths = 3 x 4 = 12m
    c) Lace left in the roll = 100 – 12 = 88m.
  6. Length of the hockey field = 91m 40cm = 9140 cm
    Breadth of the hockey field = 55m = 5500 cm
    Length of the boundary = 9140 + 5500 = 14640 cm = 146m 40cm.
  7. Outer circle has longer boundary and inner circle has shorter boundary. So Valsamma has to cover more length. Therefore Valsamma loses the race.
  8. a) Length of the boundary = 8 + 3 + 8 + 3 = 22m
    b) Length of the boundary = 6 + 4 + 6 + 4 = 20m
    Therefore, the field with length 8m, breadth 3m has the longest boundary.
  9. Perimeter of a square garden = 11 + 11 + 11+ 11 = 44m
  10. Length of the boundary = 12 + 5+ 12 + 5 = 34m.

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5 Responses

  1. Deepti Kumari says:

    Bad worksheet
    Because I want CBSE maths worksheet 3

  2. Lekha says:

    Good one…was useful as it included all category of perimeter problems. Thank you!!!!!!!!1

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