Model MCQ for Half Yearly Exam / Class 5 Maths.

Here you can find out 25 MCQ from the chapters The fish tale, Shapes and Angles, How many Squares? Parts and Wholes, Does it look the same?

Half Yearly Examination / Model MCQ.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. If a log boat travel about 3 km in one hour, how long will they take to go a distance of 12 km?
    A. 3 hours
    B. 4 hours
    C. 5 hours
  2. If a boat travels at the speed of about 20 km in one hour, how far would the motor boats go in two and a half hours?
    A. 50 km
    B. 60 km
    C. 70 km
  3. If a speed boat travels at the speed of 15 km in one hour, how much time will it take to go 75 km?
    A. 4 hours
    B. 5 hours
    C. 6 hours
  4. One hundred lakh is called a ——-
    A. Crore
    B. Million
    C. Billion
  5. The price of 8 kg kingfish is Rs 1200. The price of 1 kg kingfish is —–
    A. 100
    B. 125
    C. 150
  6. The measure of a straight angle is ——
    A. 90
    B. 180
    C. 270
  7. What kind of angle is made by the hands at 7:25 pm?
    A. Acute angle
    B. Obtuse angle
    C. Right angle
  8. Two times of a right angle is ——
    A. Straight angle
    B. Reflex angle
    C. Obtuse angle
  9. The area of a rectangle whose length and breadth are respectively 15 cm and 10 cm is —–
    A. 25 sq cm
    B. 50 sq cm
    C. 150 sq cm
  10. The perimeter of a square of side 25 cm is ————–
    A. 50 cm
    B. 100 cm
    C. 150 cm
  11. There are 15 birds in a tree. One fifth of them flew away. How many birds are remaining in the tree?
    A. 3
    B. 9
    C. 12
  12. Two fifth of 100 is —–
    A. 40
    B. 50
    C. 60
  13. The equivalent fraction of ½ is ——–
    A. 3/6
    B. 2/6
    C. ¼
  14. How many 50 paise will make 2 rupees?
    A. 3
    B. 4
    C. 6
  15. 10 paise is ————- part of one rupee.
    A. 1/10
    B. 10
    C. ½
  16. One third of a day is ——- hours.
    A. 6
    B. 8
    C. 10
  17. The price of 1 kg onion is 64 rupees, how much does 2 ½ kg onion cost?
    A. 140
    B. 160
    C. 180
  18. Meena has to travel 2 ¼ km to reach school. What distance does she travel to go to school and come back home?
    A. 4 ¼ km
    B. 4 ½ km
    C. 4 ¾ km
  19. Anu bought a notebook for 26 and half rupees. She gave 50 rupees. The shopkeeper gave back 20 rupee note and the remaining amount in half rupees. What are the coins she got?
    A. 6 half rupee coins
    B. 7 half rupee coins
    C. 8 half rupee coins
  20. Find out which of the following English alphabet look the same after half a turn.
    A. M
    B. N
    C. W
  21. Which of the following numbers look the same on half a turn?
    A. 8008
    B. 8181
    C. 1010
  22. 25 paise is —– part of one rupee.
    A. ½
    B. ¼
    C. 2
  23. The length of the boundary is known as ——–
    A. Area
    B. Perimeter
    C. Volume
  24. Give half a turn to the numbers from 0 to 9. Find which of the following numbers still the same looks.
    A. 7
    B. 8
    C. 9
  25. Three fourth of 24 is ——
    A. 16
    B. 18
    C. 21


  1. 4 hours
  2. 50 km
  3. 5 hours
  4. Crore
  5. 150
  6. 180
  7. Acute angle
  8. Straight angle
  9. 150 sq cm
  10. 100 cm
  11. 12
  12. 40
  13. 3/6
  14. 4
  15. 1/10
  16. 8 hours
  17. 160
  18. 4 ½ km
  19. 7 half rupee coins
  20. N
  21. 8008
  22. ¼
  23. Perimeter
  24. 8
  25. 18

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