GK Maths Questions for Class 6/ GK Maths

GK Maths Questions for Class 6/ GK Maths is about general knowledge questions in Mathematics. Here you can find out GK questions for Class 6 students.

GK Maths Questions for Class 6/GK Maths/Maths Quiz
Answer the following:

  1. Find the perimeter of a regular pentagon with each side measuring 3 cm?
  2. Area of a rectangle = ————
  3. The area of a square plot of side 5m is ———
  4. Give algebraic expressions for “7 added to twice a number y”
  5. Find the solution of the equation 17 = x + 7
  6. If two ratios are equal, we say that they are in —————
  7. If the cost of 5 pencils is 12.50 rupees, find the cost of 1 pencil?
  8. A line segment has ———- end points.
  9. ———- is a collection of numbers gathered to give some information.
  10. One-tenth is same as ————-
  11. 5 paise = ———– rupees
  12. Write as decimal: Three hundred six and seven-hundredths
  13. Two fractions are ————- if they have different denominators.
  14. The collection of numbers ———- -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 ———— is called ————–
  15. When two negative integers are added, we get a ——— integer.
  16. Name the polygon with equal three sides.
  17. A straight angle is ———- a revolution.
  18. A square pyramid has ——— edges
  19. Each angle of a rectangle is a ———–angle
  20. A triangle having two equal sides is called an ——————–


  1. 15 cm
  2. Length x Breadth
  3. 25 square m
  4. 2y +7
  5. 10
  6. Proportion
  7. 2.50 rupees
  8. Two
  9. Data
  10. 0.1
  11. 0.05 rupees
  12. 306.07
  13. Unlike
  14. Integers
  15. Negative
  16. Equilateral triangle
  17. ½
  18. 8
  19. Right angle
  20. Isosceles triangle

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